The madness about diets. Everyone is talking about diets.
Nevertheless there are more and more overweight people in the gym . Just look around. The more they talk about fitness, the fatter they get. This is the reality. But how come? If more people are interesed in fitness and health , they should be actually very fit and healthy right? But it is exaclty the other way around.
The reason is very complex. The biggest problem is the food.
Everyone is talking about healthy food
But noone is talking about the correct food. Noone explains the things correctly. In fact there are youtubers, that gained 5 million views on their clips, that suggest pooradvise, and other youtubers get 30 views, who actually provide you the correct information and information, that is linked to reality and the lifestyle of a normal regular person,
Watch this video explaining the basics about food. See the clip
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