Savage In Shape
Welcome to my perfect web site. You can see all the amazing facts about fitness and nutrition that noone else is telling you.. This is not the regular site where we show some excersices and some dietary plans. We do not want to stop there. Fitness is a lot more than just having a nice body. It is a lot more complex than that. Check out my youtube channel for more informaive and fun videos. Health and fitness do not have to be superficial or boring.
Fitness as a piece of art
My YouTube channel started as a place to post short, personal videos, in a funny informative way, that noone else was doing. Throughout the weeks, it turned into my veryown form of art. I do not use state-of-the-art technology to edit my work, because at the core, I believe that good storytelling is the most important part in creating great videos.
I’m proud of the growing community of users who visit my channel, offer their feedback and suggest future collaborations. If you’d like to join this community, or discuss working together - get in touch with me today.